Branding tips to grow your fitness business

Branding for Personal Trainers

Branding, building a presence, and developing a roster of clients can be challenging.

As a fitness expert, you’ve probably come to realize that you don’t need thousands of clients to do well because you would be stretched in many directions, and you simply cannot be everywhere at once. The best approach is to run a lean training business with loyal, high-paying clients who can become your brand’s advocates.


Evolution Nutrition outlines four proven strategies for branding your training business.


Vegetarian protein for your fitness goals

Protein for Vegetarian Athletes

One of the biggest concerns for vegetarian athletes has to do with protein. More specifically, how to get enough of it.


Under normal circumstances, athletes can get plenty of protein from sources like meat and poultry. But what if a person doesn’t want to eat these foods? Are they doomed to play catch-up on their protein intake forever, and would building muscle be an issue?


It doesn’t have to be like that. With the proper knowledge, getting enough protein as a vegetarian is relatively easy, and you may even not need as much as you think.

Prospects into clients and grow your business

Turn Prospects Into Paying Clients With These 3 Strategies

Let me ask you this:  Are you struggling to make enough sales? Despite your efforts, you can’t seem to hit your goals and wonder what the problem is?  Do you ever feel like you should be making more sales?  And the worst part:

You’re dedicated to marketing yourself well, and you do everything you can to set yourself up for success. But despite all of that effort, you struggle.


Power of visualization for your business

The Power of Visualization. What it Means For You and Your Business

To understand what visualization is in this scenario, we must first define it. According to, visualization is:

Meal planning for results

Why Meal Planning is the Best Option For Your Goals and Results

Have you ever found yourself confused as to how you should improve your nutrition? Maybe you’ve been eating healthily for a while, but don’t have a good idea of how you can use that information to your advantage?

Today, we’ll discuss the value of diet analysis, how to look at past experiences, extract valuable information for your future decisions, and where meal planning fits into the picture, but before we do that, let’s first define meal planning, because meal planning can mean several different things to different groups of people. 

Energy balance to achieve your goals

Energy Balance Creates Life Balance

There is undoubtedly a whole sea of information relating to weight loss, good health, and well-being.  Much of the information is correct and factual, but there are also many articles, videos, and books full of misleading ideas.  We can’t discount the importance of details, but one factor remains at the center of it all. Don’t believe us? Read on to find out what that is…

What Are The Keto and Paleo Diets?

What is the Difference Between Keto & Paleo?

Keto and Paleo are two diets that have become incredibly popular in recent years.

Everywhere you look, someone is touting the idea of keto or Paleo, which begs the questions:

What is the difference between the two diets? More importantly, which of the two is better, and what are some of their unique benefits?

Today, we’ll go over everything you need to know about these two popular diets. Let’s dive in…

What Are The Keto and Paleo Diets?

Ketogenic dieting is relatively simple:

Social media for the fitness industry

Social Media for Fitness Industry Growth - What is Your Personal Trainer Story

Marketing can be challenging. There are countless tactics to pick from, and finding the effective ones can be incredibly challenging.  But one tactic has stood the test of time:  The power of a good story.  Everyone loves stories because this is how we make sense of the world and relate to different things. The question is, what is your personal trainer story?


How to be in demand as a trainer

How to Be In-Demand as a Personal Trainer During the Pandemic

Are you struggling to find clients in these uncertain times?  What’s even more frustrating is that you’ve spent years developing your skills, knowledge base, marketing expertise, and every other aspect of running a successful personal training business. Yet, it seems like you can’t get the attention of anyone today.

But what is the problem? Many fitness professionals have thrived during the pandemic, so what is stopping you.


One word: perception.

Let’s see what that is and what it means for your business.


Create oppotunities in your fitness business

Creating Opportunities in Your Fitness Business & Life

While some people wait for life to present them with opportunities, you know better.  You understand that luck is about going out into the world and providing value for others. This is especially true in business. Sure, things often start slowly, but opportunities come when you show people that you have something to offer and that you’re here to stay.  In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at opportunities, why they matter, and how to create yours. Ready? Let’s get into it.


Opportunity Comes After The Process