Who Are The Best Vegetarian and Vegan Athletes in Each Sport?

Often the idea of a professional athlete that’s vegetarian or vegan is seen as being unfathomable. How could an athlete possibly compete professionally while living off a diet based on fruits, vegetables, and nuts? To give some context to the number of calories needed by a pro athlete, Iron Man Magazine estimated most football players ingest between 4,000 to 6,000 calories per day during the game season – of which many of those calories are recommended to come from protein to support peak performance.

New Years Weight Loss

How to Create and Stick to New Year Weight Loss Plans

Foods and drink for exercise recovery

Best Food and Drinks for Active Recovery

A day or two after working out that uncomfortable feeling settles in – stiff, sore muscles that are sensitive to the touch, making even the lightest of daily activities a challenge. DOMS, also known as delayed onset muscle soreness, happens after strenuous exercise and causes tiny, microtears in muscle fibers. These microtears occur when force is applied while the muscles are lengthened, known as an eccentric muscle action. DOMS can occur around 12 hours following the exercise but typically peaks around 24-72 hours.

Can I restart my subscription after I cancel?

We encourage you to freeze the account. If you cancel, there is a 45-day grace period after it completely expires where you can still reactivate your account.

After the 45-day grace period all your clients will be disconnected, as well as any custom plans. Freezing your account is the recommended option as it keeps everything intact, including your clients.