Is my payment data secure?

Evolution Nutrition does not store your personal payment information in our databases or on our server at any time. As such, Evolution Nutrition staff does not have access to your full credit card data, though support staff may be able to see the last four digits of your card number for verification purposes through our payment gateway. All payments are processed through a trusted service that specializes in secure payment processing.


From their website:

"Recurly is PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant, and recognized on the Visa Global Registry of Service Providers. We meet or exceed all industry-standard payment security practices to protect you and your customers."

For more information on their security policies, please refer to their official FAQs:

Where is my data stored?

Evolution Nutrition utilizes high-availability cloud storage technologies to ensure the highest level of security and availability of user data. Cloud storage is much more secure and much faster than traditional storage methods and offers multiple layers of encryption and security. All user data is backed up daily to guard against any possibility of data loss.

Advantages of cloud-based storage:

  • Security

Cloud storage involves multiple levels of security including physical and software firewalls as well as separating the application code from the database and data, which makes it that much more difficult for a potential attacker to breach.

  • Speed & Performance

Cloud storage is optimized for delivering data in an efficient manner and is able to adapt to changing system needs, so if the application needs to do more calculations at a specific time, the cloud server can quickly and automatically scale to adjust for whatever the system needs. This means faster response times for you and your clients.

  • Reliability & Availability

Cloud data is always available as long as you are connected to the Internet, even if there are temporary regional issues with the cloud services provider because the system can continue to operate despite such issues. These services are also able to handle failures without service disruption or data loss and seamlessly recover afterward.

If you are looking for more detailed information on cloud storage and security, you can find it here:

How do I cancel my Evolution Nutrition subscription?

You can cancel your account at any time from your Account page. To access it, simply click on your name on the upper right side of your home page. You'll find the Cancel Your Account button toward the bottom of the page. Remember, once you cancel your account, your data will be gone for good.

What is the Cancellation/Refund Policy?

When you submit your order, you agree that you are purchasing an ongoing subscription that will be billed to your designated payment method each month as shown in the checkout page until you cancel your subscription by clicking the CANCEL YOUR ACCOUNT button on your Account page.

Your subscription will expire at the end of the billing period in which you request cancellation, but we DO NOT provide refunds for the current month's payment.

See our Terms of Use for more information.

Can I change my billing date?

Yes, you may request that your billing date be changed. When you do, however, the system cannot prorate any balance that might be reflected by that new date. If you are billed on the 8th of each month, for example, and you would like to change it to the 4th, you will be billed for the entire next billing period on the 4th, even though, technically, you would have already paid through the 8th of the current billing cycle.

How much should I charge for meal planning?

All our members understand just how vital quality nutrition is to achieving success with any health and fitness program. But many of them are incorporating meal planning into their business for the very first time and are not quite sure where to start or what to charge. We’ve got a great tool to help you show how much your services are worth to your clients.

Check out our Program Pricing calculator at

We’ve also put together a helpful blog at