
Marketing and Setting Up My 30-Day Jumpstart Weight Loss Challenge

With 2016 here, many individuals will once again declare their New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and get into shape! For health coaches and personal trainers, this usually means we are going to be very busy…well at least that’s our hope!



4 Steps for Running a Successful Weight Loss Challenge

With every new-year come New Year’s resolutions. With 2016 less than a month away, you should start thinking about how you will let that effect your business. Will you sit back and let the new client rush pass you by? Will you scoop up a ton of clients only to loose them in a few weeks after their motivation fades? OR will you grow your client list and support them in maintaining their long-term health goals beyond bikini season?
The last option is the clear winner; so in the best interest of your business, let’s talk about how to get you there.


BCAAs & Ergogenic Aid Effects?

Insulin and BCAA have been shown to be anabolic compounds via their augmentation of translation initiation when secreted or ingested before, during, or immediately after an acute resistance exercise (RE) bout. During prolonged aerobic endurance exercise, muscle glycogen may become depleted and the muscle may increase its reliance on BCAA for fuel.


Nutrition Solutions Business

As a personal trainer in today’s market, I know if I’m not providing some sort of nutrition program in addition to personal training, I’m simply not delivering the whole solution my clients need and expect. Every day we all hear more and more talk of shifting our clients’ focus to lifestyle changes and the role we can play in educating them about the impact their choices make. Obviously, what they’re eating is a huge part of that equation. I get asked about nutrition all the time, just like you I bet, but other than some basic advice I’ve never brought much value to the table.


3 Benefits Nutrition & Trainerize

Over the past two years, I've really started to focus on building my online training business. Before I found out about Trainerize and Evolution Nutrition, I would have to build and email all my workouts and meal plans to each individual client separately. Each meal plan consisted of just 2 days of meals, some information about macronutrients, and food exchange list. And any nutrition adjustments I wanted to make took at least day and then I had to email them again. The amount of time I had to dedicate to each client really limited my ability to grow my business.



13 Warning Signs - Iron Deficiency

Courtesy of NCSF


Successful Personal Trainers Are More Than Meets the Eye

If you haven’t already guessed, the job of a personal trainer is a lot more than meets the eye. The most successful personal trainers not only realize this, but embrace it and put into place strategies to excel in all areas of their job better helping clients achieve their goals of weight loss, fitness and health. From the first contact with a lead to signing them as a client to seeing them achieve the goals they’ve set, communication and playing each of the following roles is vital to success.



Successful Personal Trainers Are More Than Meets the Eye

If you haven’t already guessed, the job of a personal trainer is a lot more than meets the eye. The most successful personal trainers not only realize this, but embrace it and put into place strategies to excel in all areas of their job better helping clients achieve their goals of weight loss, fitness and health. From the first contact with a lead to signing them as a client to seeing them achieve the goals they’ve set, communication and playing each of the following roles is vital to success.



Concerns: Vegetarian Athletes

Eating a well-balanced diet containing adequate amounts of calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals is critical for optimal health and peak performance.   Several athletes are challenged to obtain these key nutrients due to incorporation of a vegetarian lifestyle, which restricts the intake of all (vegan) or a selected variety of animal-based foods.