Will my subscription automatically renew?

Yes, your account will automatically renew each month. You are free to update your subscription at any time by accessing your Account page. Click on your name in the upper right corner of your home page to access this section.

How Does Evolution Nutrition Work?

Evolution Nutrition helps trainers take control of their client’s nutrition. Add your client, input some basic statistics (such as age, weight, height, and activity level), and Evolution Nutrition will provide nutritional recommendations based on your answers. Our system does all the calculations for you – all you need to do is select the dietary category that best fits your client’s lifestyle.

What is Evolution Nutrition?

Evolution Nutrition is a platform that makes nutrition management better, faster, and easier.


Evolution Nutrition is a custom meal planning and monitoring system designed for fitness training professionals. Whether you build plans from scratch or select from one of our existing plans, Evolution Nutrition allows trainers to easily add meal planning to their business offerings with over 4,200 meal plans covering 22 of the most popular diet category types, like low carb and vegetarian.

Keto vs Atkins

What is the Difference Between Keto and Atkins Diets?

When people talk about a low-carb diet to lose weight, there’s a high probability they are discussing either keto or the Atkins diets. You might be asking yourself, but aren’t they the same thing? While keto and Atkins are two of the most popular versions of low-carb dieting, the similarities end with limiting carbs. To help you determine if either of these diets are appropriate for your clients, here’s what you need to understand.


Virtual personal training

How to run virtual training classes?

Virtual training classes aren’t a novel idea. Fitness professionals have been delivering at home workouts to the public for generations through VHS tapes, DVD’s and now on-demand and streaming. The Information Age, or the Digital Age, has changed the accessibility and delivery methods available, allowing trainers to tap into a much wider audience and grow their business in ways that were previously unattainable.