Pricing Calculator

All of our members understand just how vital quality nutrition is to achieving success with any health and fitness program. But many of them are incorporating meal planning into their business for the very first time and are not quite sure where to start or what to charge. We’ve got a great tool to help you show how much your services are worth to your clients.
Option 1   Option 2

Personal Training & Fitness Meal Planning Calculator

Our calculator lets you see how much revenue you can bring in by providing meal planning services for your clients using several inputs. Just enter in your current hourly training session rate, how long you want a weight loss challenge to run, the number of workout sessions per week you do with your clients, what package discounts, if any, you want to give them, and whether you want to offer discounts to small groups of clients.

Let’s look at a couple of examples:
In one scenario, you charge a single client $40 hours per session for either two or three sessions per week and want to run a six-week challenge. You also offer a package discount of 10 percent.

Example 1
Based on two sessions per week, our personal training pricing calculator shows you would charge a total of $456 per client for 12 sessions, or $648 under the three session per-week scenario.

Example 2
Let’s say you’re charging your clients $75 per hour for three training sessions per week and want to run a 12-week challenge, with a 5 percent package discount. The fitness pricing calculator puts the total revenue at $2632.50 per client over the 12-week challenge.

As you can see, the revenue can add up quickly and the calculator helps guide you through the pricing options that will help you boost your bottom line and meet your financial goals, while helping your clients meet their fitness goals.

Play with your own numbers to see what your own Program Pricing can look like and then get started today!

Get Started with Evolution Nutrition

From 1 client to 200+, we have you covered.

Each membership offers 4,200+ Meal Plans covering 21 Diet Category Types. 

Starting at $49 /mo.

  • Ranging from 10–200 clients
  • For the pro looking to use our entire 4,200+ meal plan database
  • Start delivering meal plans right away

Starting at $69 /mo.

Our most popular plan!

  • Ranging from 10–500 clients
  • For the pro that wants to take control of the details
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch

Starting at $199 /mo.

  • Multiple trainers and over 1,000 clients
  • Designed for a business that has more than one trainer
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch
woman lifting weights

Presonal Trainers Ask: What Do I Charge for a Meal Plan?

The first thing a lot of new members tell us is how excited they are to provide meal planning services to their clients. The first questions they usually ask are: “What do I charge for a Meal Plan?” and “How do I get my clients interested in setting up a meal plan?”

Our Pros tell us the simplest way to get your clients on board with meal planning--and provide a new source of revenue for you--is to take part in a weight loss challenge.

Based on input from what our Pros say works best for them, we've built the simple calculator below that you can use to easily figure out what pricing program works best for the weight loss challenge you want to use to drive new revenue for your business.

The results our Program Pricing Calculator gives you are suggestions that are a great starting point to get you on the road to providing a valuable new service for your clients.

woman lifting weights

Meal Planning & Related FAQs

Do I need any sort of license to make meal planning suggestions?

You don’t need to be a licensed dietician to use Evolution Nutrition. We have all the tools you need.

What is a weight loss challenge?


What's the average cost for meal planning for a week?