Kevin W.

Kevin owns and operates Body Performance Personal Training

I was able to sell nearly all of my existing personal training clients meal plans as well as my online training clients could now also purchase meal plans. I sold an additional 5 meal plans in the first month so 1000!

Be Fit

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It added an extra level of value for our clients and a step above the "Joe Schmoe" trainers anyone can find.  We're simply seeing more clients, and their sticking around longer.

Camlin J.

Camlin owns and operates The Functional Body Shop.

Where last year I had only a couple of clients, this year I have been able to maintain a 87% retention rate.  All new clients use our meal plans and are seeing more results.

Rhys L.

Rhys owns and operates Web-Fit Wales.  He has A level qualification in Sport Science and achieved his HNC at the University of Wales, UK.  Following University he continued his studies to become a certified Level 3 Advanced Fitness instructor (Personal Trainer) and Level 3 Nutrition & Weight Management Advisor.  He's played rugby as well as competed in Muay Thai, Boxing and Kickboxing Competition and is currently working towards my Black Belt.

Optimal Performance

Optimal Performance loves the concept of leading by example. We truly believe that the best way to motivate your loved ones to pursuit a healthier and happier lifestyle is to simply act upon this yourself. Get moving today and show others how important health truly is.

Jill N.

Jill owns and operates

I do meal plans for competitors and I have found after my clients competitions I get a lot of new clients due to the social media presence associated with competition, via Facebook, Instagram and of course personal referrals.

Tiffany W.

Tiffany owns and operates CrZyFit

My clients LOVE the addition of EN!! I have not had any negative feedback. I am so happy to have this tool!!!

David F.

David owns and operates Choice Group Training

I’ve seen a 25% increase in business and we expect to grow significantly over the next 3 months.


Building Your Brand From Logo to Customized Meal Plan

Building a business as a fitness professional is about more than just a client session and customized meal plan here and there. It’s about creating a clear brand for your business that will draw clients in to ask about and schedule that session or sign on for that customized meal plan. And that’s not just a cool logo.


Supporting Your Clientele

One of the most important parts of being a personal trainer is making your clients feel comfortable with you, so you can establish trust. Your clients need to trust you with their fitness goals, and they need to feel comfortable telling you when they are struggling or have a slip up in their fitness and diet regimen. They also need to trust that you know what you’re doing and feel that they’re getting the most out of their money.