Michelle L.

The transformation picture is actually of myself. I’ve always been the type of trainer to follow through completely on what I am asking the trainee to do. I still had some weight I wanted to lose before gaining more muscle, so I decodes to go on the meal plan myself, log my food and really figure out how Evolution Nutrition worked before using it with my clients. I’m glad I did! The top picture is July 2019 155 and the bottom is September 2019 140 pounds. I still use Evolution Nutrition program for myself, I just altered my desired results and I swear by it to all my clients!


Workout Tips for Busy Moms | Evolution Nutrition

If you’ve ever felt like life pulls you in a thousand directions and the last thing you can fit is regular exercise, don’t worry. Today, we’ll take a look at three actionable workout tips to ensure more consistent and more efficient training.


Chris S.

Paying attention to the things that I was putting in my mouth and spending a little time thinking about how to eat to live rather than live to eat has made a profound impact and resolved a couple of health issues I had. Combining eating right and exercise has made me a better dad, employee and person!

Paleo Diet Foods: broccoli, coconut, salmon, spinach, eggs and avocado

What is the Paleo Diet? The Truth About Paleo | Evolution Nutrition

Tens of thousands of years ago, before agriculture and McDonalds, humans thrived as hunter-gatherers. The diet of the ancient human consisted of mainly meat, fish, and certain fruits and vegetables.  Since the discovery of agriculture, the average diet branched out and began to include more grains, beans, dairy, and potatoes.

For a long time since then, this diverse way of eating was the norm. But one paper published in 1985 by Boyd Eaton and Melvin Konner changed the perception of nutrition for many. 


The Top 8 Things You may Not Know About Protein

You’ve seen protein powders, bars, shakes and even protein-enhanced chips, crackers, and cookies in abundance on grocery store shelves. Clearly, the demand is there. But with so many myths and misconceptions surrounding the macronutrient, it's often hard to know whether buying any of the enhanced products is truly necessary in order to add even more protein to your diet.

Nick P.

Lost 18 lbs. "Going back and looking these pics man... Feels like it wasn’t even me. This is blowing my mind... I can’t believe It all started with that phone call..."

Erick G.

"I can not believe I am back in shape when I was in the marines. I really enjoyed how the meal plans were so easily to look at and how detailed they were in regards of macronutrients and overall information. I also loved how I received a grocery list as well."

LaShane P.

LaShane started my exercise and nutrition planning in December.  At that time she wieghed 430 lbs.  She's now 250lbs and is 21 weeks pregnant!


Mango and Black Bean Salad

Mango and Black Bean Salad Recipe


1. Whisk together olive oil, garlic, cumin, and chili powder (with salt & pepper to taste) in a small bowl.
2. Place romaine lettuce to large mixing bowl.
3. Add mango, red bell pepper, black beans, corn, green onions, drizzle dressing over mixture and toss to coat.