
Why People Fail Exercise Programs

Courtesy of NCSF


5 Ways to Promote and Sell Online Training With Pictures and Videos

People won’t understand how easy it is until you show them! Here’s how you can promote and sell more online training with pictures and videos.


These days, it seems that almost everyone is on board with technology. I figured this out when even my parents started following me on Instagram and sending me Tweets instead of calling me! In a “tech-savvy” world you think it would be easy to sell online training, because, well, let’s face it–there are very few times throughout the day when we don’t have our smartphone at our side, right? I know I’m guilty of it. 


Setting Up a Realistic Meal Plan for 7 Days

I train a variety of clients online and prefer to focus on flexible and easy-to-follow eating concepts when I talk about nutrition. The majority of my clients are working parents, so they have little time to switch food choices every day or to give any extra thought to meal planning. My clients often request precise, simple plans that can easily be packed, microwaved or eaten cold on-the-go. Although simple meals are convenient, it isn’t realistic for me to expect them to eat this blandly on days off or on special occasions.


How to price Evolution Nutrition?

Now that you are empowered to provide professional meal plans, maybe the first question you have is “What should I charge?” We hear this question often, and the answer is… it depends. We have resisted assigning a specific price to the value you can deliver with an Evolution Nutrition meal plan because, as with all of the services you provide, that value varies. For many of your clients, professionally prepared meal plans can be a game-changer, a turning point in their health that will improve their quality of life forever – and that’s something that shouldn’t be sold short or overlooked.


Iron's Affect Athletic Performance

Courtesy of HealthyDiningFinder

If you’re concerned about getting enough iron, read on to find out what role this essential mineral plays in the body, how it applies to the demands of physical activity, and how to ensure that your diet can provide what your body requires.

The Role of Iron and the Athlete


Hydration & Its Affect On Your Clients’ Fitness Goals

In your mission to help your clients with their fitness goals, be it fat loss or building quality muscle, the nutrition tips you mostly focus on are about food. This is understandable since most nutritional education is about consuming enough protein, fats, carbs at the optimal time to support their fitness goals.


Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

The meals you have before and after exercising are the most important meals of your day. First things first--focus on getting rid of nutrient deficiencies, making sure your portions are the proper size, and eating correctly for your body type and amount of physical activity. Carbohydrates are the most important foods to eat surrounding your exercise (before, during, and after) to maximize the maintenance of your blood glucose levels with moderate protein for support.


Effective Nutrition Plans?

It should be no secret there is a big difference between the latest diet fad and a real nutrition plan or meal planning strategy that is supported by scientific research and proven methods to get results. As you work with your clients, you’re sure to get asked a lot of questions about nutrition and meal planning. Many of those questions will revolve around the latest and greatest nutrition theories straight from afternoon talk shows, the Internet and “expert” friends. The truth about actual nutrition, however, is that it's fairly simple.



How to Motivate Clients

If you’re like many personal trainers this time of year, your training calendar is probably pretty booked with new and returning clients wanting the best fitness and nutrition program to help them with New Year’s resolutions. You may also be starting to notice your clients’ enthusiasm for that fitness and nutrition program starting to wane. From more lackluster workouts to less strictly following the daily meal plan, you can see signs as January goes on that the motivation your clients felt just a week or two ago is fading.


30-Day Weight Loss Challenge

With 2016 here, many individuals will once again declare their New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and get into shape! For health coaches and personal trainers, this usually means we are going to be very busy… well at least that’s our hope!