
What's your X factor in Fitness?

It’s more critical than ever to have an online presence – a brand -- that validates you and your services.  But branding is about more than having a color-coordinated website and posting a sign in the gym. Sure, you have to do those things, but they are not enough today.

Here’s a key distinction: Presenting your brand isn’t a one-time event. It’s an ongoing process through which you, as a fitness professional, continually demonstrate the unique value you deliver to your prospects and clients.


What's in a Business Name?

Names are important, whether your business, website, brand….heck, even our pet names are important. A name can be the first thing entrepreneurs think of when they have their first vision of what they want to build or create. Because, when it comes down to it, it’s all about identity.


Periodized Personal Training

How do we not only gain new online training clients, but also keep them as paying clients long-term?

It is very common in this industry that someone might purchase one or two months of training, then not get the results they hoped for, or just lose motivation and fall off the bandwagon. It’s much like the idea of people buying a bunch of fitness equipment for their home gym with every intention of using it, and then within weeks the equipment makes for coat racks.

Kelsey H.

Kelsey is the Co-Founder of HiitBurn.

Evolution Nutrition has been an excellent tool for us in growing our business. It has allowed us the quickly scale our business because it is easy to use and customizable. We needed a tool that would allow us a good amount of customization to give each client the individual attention needed to reach their goals.  We have sold over 200 custom plans in our first month with Evolution Nutrition. The system itself and the customer service of the Evolution Nutrition team have been great for what we need.


Utenge owns and opperates True Body Wellness.

I first started using this software on myself because I needed to find a more effective option at creating meal plans and track my own numbers ahead of time unlike other apps like myfitness pal and lose it. I needed to be able to create a custom meal plan for an entire 16-20 week competition prep since I compete in drug free bodybuilding and turned pro in 2015. It's easy to do it for me to do it for myself but in 2015 I began coaching other competitors and found it to be very time consuming to create excel spreadsheets for each client with each calorie and macro where it needs to be.  So what took me 1.5-3 hours to do over a weekend I can now accomplish in 30-60 minutes. I no longer internally cringe when I need to create a meal plan for a client now that I utilize EN. It has simplified the process drastically and given me back my most precious commodity; my time.

Josh S.

Josh works as a nutrition manager for World Health in Calgary, Alberta
and is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist™, PTS, PN

Technology like Evolution Nutrition makes the planning part easy and efficient so you can focus on the coaching.

Alan A.

Alan owns and opperates PPC Fitness

Since introducing meal planning as a part of my memberships I have seen my conversion rates increase significantly with new prospects. Most facilities in my area are not even talking about nutrition so it really separates us from the pack.

Laine T.

Laine owns and operates Nutrition by Laine

Since I started using EN and started my business 6 months ago, I have consistently had 7 to 9 clients every month. Just when one client decides to fly on his own, I have a new client contact me about my program.