
How I Grew My Business by Finally Providing Nutrition Solutions

As a personal trainer in today’s market, I know if I’m not providing some sort of nutrition program in addition to personal training, I’m simply not delivering the whole solution my clients need and expect. Every day we all hear more and more talk of shifting our clients’ focus to lifestyle changes and the role we can play in educating them about the impact their choices make. Obviously, what they’re eating is a huge part of that equation. I get asked about nutrition all the time, just like you I bet, but other than some basic advice I’ve never brought much value to the table. With some of the other trainers I know in town starting to make the transition to adding a nutrition program, however, I knew if I didn’t do the same I was going to get left behind.


So I finally made the commitment this year to find a real solution. That’s when I heard Evolution Nutrition had teamed up with ACE to produce a nutrition planning software made specifically for personal trainers and I jumped on it. All I can say is, if business growth is your goal like it is mine, adding true meal planning is a must. Here’s how I’ve done it:


  • I found a real solution I can actually use – My first question was “Isn’t it outside my scope of practice?” I’ve tried in the past to refer clients to local registered dietitians to provide nutrition guidance but, there simply aren’t enough of them, and frankly, I’ve never been excited about sending one of my clients to someone else for services they want from me. But by using Evolution Nutrition’s ACE Fitness Edition software, I’m able to quickly and easily provide real nutrition management, and detailed meal plans without going beyond my scope and without sending clients out the door to get what they need from someone else.
  • I developed a simple, easy to sell nutrition program - My program is a 12-week fitness challenge. For 12 weeks, my groups go through a progressive training program using TRX Suspension Training and Ultimate Sandbags. I use Evolution Nutrition for all their meal planning and include it in the cost (it’s a requirement by the way, not a “do it if you want to” option). The results I’m seeing are incredible! I had a bride-to-be lose 20 pounds in eight weeks for her wedding. She tells me that it was the easiest meal plan she ever had to follow. Two months after the wedding and she has kept the weight off and is still using some of the recipes she fell in love with. Another recent client started my program at 230 pounds and 30% body fat. Nine weeks in he was down 27 pounds and 7% body fat. Honestly, using Evolution Nutrition has changed the way I think about getting results for clients. I couldn't have launched this new business without it.
  • I built a stronger client base – The results my clients are seeing mean my referrals are through the roof! Combining the exercise training I’ve always done with real nutrition solutions has been a game changer. And this isn’t just “lose 15 pounds for your Summer party, and I’ll never see you again” stuff. This is really about teaching someone how to make lasting changes in their life. And guess what, when they do, they are inspired to continue to workout and eat right for the long term – usually with me. My clients are simply staying with me longer.


Yeah, OK, so what are they saying? “This meal plan isn’t something I would call a diet. It trains you to look at food differently and teaches you to have balanced meals that include all the food groups. With the Evolution Nutrition meal planning, I was able to stick to it for 12-weeks and I saw great results. I went from 233lbs to 202lbs in 12 weeks. The 12 weeks taught me how to eat cleaner and I now know how to build meals every day that include the foods I enjoy while still maintaining a healthy, clean diet. One day a week I still indulge to curb any cravings and have a cheat meal……. but of course, now I don’t feel as good as when I’m eating clean.

Thanks Benji and Evolution Nutrition” Mark G.


I’m getting these kinds of testimonials over and over again. I’ve really got the incredibly rewarding job I’ve always imagined.


Take it from me, incorporating Evolution Nutrition into your fitness business can be a game changer when it comes to long-term success for your clients, and for your business. Don’t waste another minute with starvation diets, the latest fad, or some self-help calorie counter. Jump on the Evolution Nutrition system today to start seeing real results for your clients and your business by providing real nutrition.


Benji Simonton, ACE Certified Personal Trainer,
Owner, Mobile Stable & Strong Fitness Solutions

Learn more about the Evolution Nutrition program here. 


Pro Pro


Our most popular plan!

  • Ranging from 50–500 clients
  • For the pro that wants to take control of the details
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch

Enterprise Enterprise


  • Multiple trainers and over 1,000 clients
  • Designed for a business that has more than one trainer
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch